How do I purchase a Sensible Weather Guarantee?

SensibleWeather can only be purchased for ReserveAmerica reservations during checkout on

How do I view my Sensible Weather Guarantee details?

If you have purchased a Sensible Weather Guarantee, you can use your Sensible Weather Order ID and email address associated with the purchase to view your Guarantee details by clicking here. Your Sensible Weather Order ID can be found on your confirmation email.

I’ve had a change to my ReserveAmerica reservation details, how do I change my Sensible Weather Guarantee?

If you have changed your ReserveAmerica camping reservation, such as changed the arrival or departure date, location of your campsite within the campground, or duration of stay, you will need to take action with your Sensible Weather Guarantee.

You will need to cancel your existing Sensible Weather Guarantee for your reservation by clicking here. You will receive a refund less the 20% non-refundable processing fee if you cancel your existing Sensible Weather Guarantee. At this time, you will not be able to purchase a new Guarantee for your reservation.

How do I cancel my Sensible Weather Guarantee?

To cancel your Sensible Weather Guarantee, you can use your Sensible Weather Order ID and email address to view your Guarantee details by clicking here. You will then click the “Cancel Weather Guarantee & Request Refund” button on this page and be prompted with a message to confirm you would like to cancel by clicking “Process Refund” or “Cancel” if you changed your mind and do not want to cancel. You will then be refunded less the 20% non-refundable processing fee.

What does a Weather Guarantee cover?

Weather Guarantees vary based on the type of experience, your destination and dates of travel. In general, all-weather guarantees are designed to be useful based on the typical weather conditions expected for your specific trip or outdoor experience. When the forecast isn’t what you expected, the Weather Guarantee pays.

When booking a reservation that qualifies for a Weather Guarantee, the specific weather parameters guaranteed will be displayed with the offer customized specifically for your trip.

Example: A campground in Oregon offers a Weather Guarantee that will reimburse you for your night’s stay if the next morning’s forecast calls for two or more hours of rain.

How much will a Weather Guarantee pay?

Weather Guarantee payout amounts vary based on your booking. Most Weather Guarantees cover the average nightly cost of the qualifying reservation.

How much does a Weather Guarantee cost?

A Weather Guarantee is offered when you book travel, an outdoor experience, or event tickets. It may be included in the purchase price or can be added on to your purchase for an additional fee. A Weather Guarantee cannot be purchased on its own.

What is not covered by a Weather Guarantee?

A Weather Guarantee covers the specified weather in the specified location during the specified period of time. Issues such as travel delays, personal injury, weather in areas other than the specified area, weather other than the specified weather, and other unrelated issues are not covered. This is not an exhaustive list. When booking a reservation that qualifies for a Weather Guarantee, check the offer details to see the specific weather parameters covered with your purchase.

Do I need to submit a claim?

No, you do not need to submit a claim. Sensible’s climate platform automatically detects impending inclement weather covered by your Guarantee using the best available forecasts and will initiate a claim on your behalf. This means you’ll get paid before inclement weather occurs.

If I qualify for a Guarantee payout, how will I get my money back?

Sensible will notify you of a Guarantee payout automatically and ask you to submit ACH information. No hassle, no fees.

How long does it take to get paid?

We trigger the payment right away. Processing time depends on your bank.

What is Climate versus Weather?

Climate is what can happen, weather is what does happen. The weather might be “65 degrees and raining,” but the climate may be “the high temperature will be between 62 and 98 degrees, with a 70% probability that it is between 72 and 84 degrees.”

Who is Sensible Weather Co?

Sensible Weather is a climate risk technology company. Sensible uses its proprietary Climate Engine and parametric platform to help its end users manage risk. We are a team of scientists and technologists focused on helping people understand and mitigate their climate risk.